Better Life
The world is invited to challenge themselves to:

Learn a language in 365 days

Click here to join an upcoming challenge

One of Better Life’s core messages is the importance of being ‘comfortable with the uncomfortable.’ This belief of re-programming ourselves to take action towards things that make us feel uncomfortable will allow us to grow and reach our ultimate full potential and therefore allow us to live a better life.

  1. You are ready to commit and 100% ready to challenge yourself.
  2. You will respect all the other participants taking part in any of these challenges, especially during the online group coaching sessions as well as the accountability group.
  3. You are above the age of 15+.
  1. That there are limited spaces so please don’t register if you aren’t able to fully commit.
  2. That if you show any hateful, racist or discriminative behaviour to another participant you will be removed from the challenge.
  • All
  • Increasing energy levels
  • Improving wellbeing & mental health
  • Improving clarity
  • Increasing happiness
  • Improving skillset